Lake Highlands Certified Electrician

Spectacular Work From Sharp Sparkies!
Lake Highlands Certified Electrician is proud to provide the sharpest sparkies in town! You can’/t do better than our electricians, with the best of the best working for us. Years of experience means we knows the ropes better than the new kids on the block. And you don’t have to worry about the danger that comes from amateur or DIY wiring work. Our pros are always ready to offer a helping hand. Take advantage of it today!
Our Services
An emergency service provider is a must-have, long before the emergency happens. Luckily, we’re here 24/7, making us the best choice when the power goes or a fuse blows. You don’t have to wait until morning, or talk to an answering machine. There’s always someone here, 24/7! And, if you’re looking for other work, don’t worry – we can provide it. Rewiring, renovations, and everything under the sun can be done here!
Year Established: 2019
Business Hours
Fast, convenient 24/7 services.
Service Area
An electrician is always available to those in the Dallas and the whole Dallas County area.

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